Dear Ladies,
Invitation to the 2019 AGM
and February Lunch
Our 2019 Annual General Meeting will take place in the Salle de Fetes at Réans (32800), on Tuesday the 12th of February . Coffee will be served from 10.30 am. We have invited our group leaders to showcase the group activities for the year. We hope that you will be able to explore these exhibits.
The AGM will start promptly at 11:00 am.
The AGM will be followed by a lunch, which will be prepared by two or our members, Michelle Chavenon and Dagmar Bunnemann. This will be their very popular couscous buffet comprising fish or meat with accompanying vegetables and salad (please see the menu below). The cost of the lunch is €19, which includes pre-dinner refreshments, wine and coffee.
Please use the Reservation form in your email to indicate whether you will be joining us for the AGM, the lunch or both. We hope that you can join us.
Draft AGM Agenda
10:30 Coffee, tea and cake. LLC Group exhibits
11:00 AGM start
1. Apologies for absence
2. Minutes of 2018 AGM.
3. President’s Welcome & Report
4. Treasure’s Report
5. Secretary’s Report
6. Election of Committee.
7. Update from Group Leaders
8. Any Other Business
- Discussion on the LCC committee structure
- Discussion on our identity
- Summer events
- Ideas and suggestions from our members
Minutes from the 2018 AGM are attached. Please can you review for completeness. We will take a vote of approval at the AGM.
Copies of documents will be available on the day. This will include the minutes, Treasure’s report, satisfaction survey results.
Election of the 2019 Committee: The current committee officers of Margaretha Liddell-Grainger (President), Riet Smulders (Treasurer) and Janet Jones (Secretary) are prepare to stand again for the same positions. In accordance with the Constitution of the Club a vote will be take by all members present. The Committee will then be able to co-opt additional members as necessary to support the Committee activities.
Any Other Business: We welcome any ideas on how we can meet the needs of our members for example by offering interesting activities or any other points that you would like to raise. If you are unable to attend we would still welcome your ideas. In order for your item to be added to the final Agenda please can you email the Committee any topics that you would like to bring up before Tuesday 5th February.
The final agenda will be circulated as an attachment after 5th February.
2019 Membership is now due.
The cost is €10. If you wish to pay at the AGM, please can you bring the cash in an envelope with your name on it or a cheque made payable to «Ladies Lunch Club de l’Armagnac».
Please can everyone who has received the email, complete the electronic membership renewal form so that we can get your consent to be on the mailing list, streamline registration for our LLC groups and ensure that our records are up to date. This form also contains details of how to pay if you are unable to attend the AGM and should also be completed if you wish to cancel your membership or suspend it for a year.
Thank you to everybody who has competed it so far and / or paid.
February Lunch
The AGM will be followed by a lunch prepared and served by our members, Dagmar & Michelle. They have offered a fish and meat main course, but it will be a buffet so you can mix and match as you like. Please can you use the attached booking form to indicate your preferences The cost will be €19. Please can you register by Thursday 7th February. As usual final numbers will be required by Sunday 10th February. After this date you are likely to be charged for cancellations and if you have any problems with the form please let me know.
Menu pour l’Assemblée Générale
Apéritif avec ou sans alcool - deux verrines de légumes et chips
Cassolette surprise chaude aux champignons
(warm mushroom cassoulet)
Couscous buffet. servir soi-même parmi une selection de salade, légumes (carottes, tomates, courgettes, fenouil, céleri, poivrons, navets), semoule, raisins sec, pois chiches et sauce piquante ou non. Avec poisson (dos de cabillaud, crevettes) Ou Avec Canard - confit et aiguillettes laquées de canard, merguez
Couscous buffet. Serve yourself from a selection of salad, vegetables (carrots, tomatoes, courgettes, fennel, celery, peppers, turnips), semolina, raisins, chick peas and a sauce spicy or not. With fish (cod, prawns) or duck (confit, aiguillette, merguez spicy sausage). You pick what you want
Flan Libanais à l’eau de rose et fleur d’oranger.
(Lebanese flan with rose and orange flower water
Tea, Coffee and wine included
Details of the booking
- The cost will be €19, which includes pre-lunch refreshments, wine, tea and coffee
- here is no restriction on numbers but please can you book by Thursday 7th February
- I will give definitive numbers on Sunday 10th February, any cancellations after this date may need to be paid for
- Please use the form to indicate if you only wish to attend for the AGM or the meal.
- If you are having problems with the form please reply to this email or use the LLC address at the bottom of the message
- I will send a list of attendees before the meeting so that you can verify your booking / arrange lifts etc.
- Please bring you either bring your cheque for €19 made payable to «Ladies Lunch club de l’Armagnac» or cash in an envelope with your name on it. Your help in this is much appreciated as it helps to speed up the booking in process
Future lunches & LLC News
The March lunch will be at Le Falène Bleue, Lannepax on Tuesday 12 March.
I will send a separate email with our activities in February and early March together either any information from members. Please let me know if there is anything that you would like to be includes in this mailing.