About Us

My photo
RĂ©ans, Armagnac, 32 Gers, France
Our objective is to promote friendship between women of all nationalities living in Gascony, SW France, to share our interests and to offer help when needed. The Club started in 2008, with twenty English ladies living in Gascony, using a foreign language and experiencing a new life. Since then, several different groups have been added and our membership has grown into the hundreds, with new ladies moving to the area and ladies who have lived here a while, who have discovered us, who want to make new acquaintances and discover new areas of interest. Today we have eleven nationalities, and our speaking/working language is English. The GLC meets on the second Tuesday of each month, excluding July and August.Every member receives an email each month, giving the name of the restaurant, the chosen, menu and a booking form. In 2014, we became a non-profit making Association, known as Ladies Lunch Club de l’Armagnac and was re-named in 2019 to Gascogne Ladies Club. Our annual subscription fee of 10 € is payable in January each year. Each member of the Club may participate in some or all of our various groups

Monday, 3 March 2014

Ladies Luncheon March 2014 with guest speaker Ruth Hartley

Our next LLC Luncheon is on 
Tuesday, 11TH March 2014 13h at 

in 32190 PRENERON

The Restaurant is situated just 3 mins from the N124, between Demu and Vic Fezensac.  
You take the D157 towards Castillon Debats.  The turning is well signposted with a large green sign advertising the Auberge La Baquere. 
From Nogaro or Eauze it will take roughly 25 mins. 

Not only do we start off with a delightful new venue, but we also have the privilege to welcome 
as our Guest Speaker, to talk about her first book, which has recently been released  - 
‘Shaping of Water’. 


This is a novel, based on Central Africa, where Ruth lived, so we can look forward to hearing not only about her book, but also of the time she spent in Africa.
Her talk will commence at 12.15, for approx.30 minutes, so we would ask you to arrive at 12.00 noon if you would like to hear her talk, so that ‘booking in’ for the lunch can start.  

This will be continued at 12.45 and lunch will be served at 1.00 p.m.

17€ (vins, cafe compris)
(images shown are just to give an idea, and are not necessarily how they will be presented on the day). 

Bien venue cocktail

Remoulade de celeri avec Pommes vertes et Gambas marinees

Blanquette de Veau aux champignons

Ou (Vegetarian option)

Pave de Truite des Pyrenees au citron et poivre vert


Moelleux aux Amandes, 
Glace Caramel

Reservations for the lunch should be made on the ‘Booking Form’.  
To obtain this please e-mail LLC Secretary (lunchclubgascogne@g.mail.com). All bookings must be received by NOON on Friday 8th March.

Again it will be helpful to our treasurer Pippa who will be collecting the lunch money if you could have this ready in an envelope with your name on. Alternatively you can pay by cheque made out to the Auberge la Baquere

Dear Ladies,

I would like to start on a personal note to say thank you for your support in electing me as the new Chairman of the LLC.  
I look forward to continuing with all the good work that has been done by my predecessors.  
Together with Jane Cooper (Secretary), Pippa Brown (Treasurer) and the new Committee Members – Ginster Michel, Loes Quak, Kate Notman and Pat Wright 
I feel we have a strong team to address the needs of our growing and popular Club.

Can I also take this opportunity to remind you that Gaye Piper will be collecting any clothes (in good condition) for the  
BLOOPS  Charity sale in April.

Also, Patricia Colan would like any plastic bottle TOPS to go to a Charity who recycle them to make chairs for the disabled. 

We look forward to seeing everyone,  and wish you all an enjoyable lunch.
Sue Sullivan
On behalf of the Committee

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