at CaféZik in Marciac, last year - so we are returning to the same venue for a hopefully even better
The party will commence at 12.30
on Tuesday 10th December 2013

The Menu
de bienvenue , gressins maison
Bisque de
crabe vert
Entrées :
veloute d'asperges
veloute d'asperges
Pressé de crabes,
aubergines grillées, chantilly aux herbes
Ballotine de
pintade, gratin forézien, sauce aux champignons et légumes du marché
( Végétarien :
Poisson selon le marché, risotto et légumes )
Desserts :
Bûchette de noël au
chocolat blanc , servi avec glace et sauce ( élaboré par Perle)
Vin blanc
sec et rouge compris
compris accompagné de mignardises compris
We are asking that those ladies and their partners wanting
to attend the Christmas Party book now and pay at the lunch this coming Tuesday
or send us a cheque made out to Café Zik to confirm the booking.
Cheques that are posted need to be sent to
Pippa Brown, Domaine de la Tyre, 65700, Castelnau Riviere Basse.
Please make sure you include your
husband/partners name on the form if they are intending joining us.
The cost of the lunch is €28 Euro for partners and only €20 Euro for
Proceeds from the monthly raffles are being used to subsidise the members.
Unfortunately at this stage we cannot include
any guests other than husbands/ partners as space is limited and the number of
club members has steadily risen this year.
If we do have any spaces left we will be pleased to welcome friends and
We look forward to seeing you there.
Your LLC committee
The November Luncheon in the Casino of Barboton-les-Thermes was an enjoyable get together again, here some proof of the good time everybody of us had:
The November Luncheon in the Casino of Barboton-les-Thermes was an enjoyable get together again, here some proof of the good time everybody of us had:
Looking forward to having an enjoyable Luncheon together in December with you Ladies.
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