Tuesday 9th January 2018
Salle de Fetes – 32800 Réans
Dear Ladies,
Our 2018 Annual General Meeting will take place in the Salle de Fetes at 32800 Réans, on
Tuesday the 9th of January.
Coffee will be offered from 10.45 am and the Meeting will start promptly at 11.00 a.m.
An Agenda for the Meeting have been sent in email to members and so were the Minutes of the 2017 AGM. Copies of the minutes will be circulated on the day.
We will ask for your approval on the day by a show of hands of those present.
Election of new Committee:
Carol Scott will be standing down as President and in her place, Margaretha Liddell-Grainger has been nominated as President and Janet Jones as Secretary.
Riet Smulders will remain as Treasurer.
In accordance with the Constitution of the Club, a decision will be taken by a simple majority vote of the members present. The new Committee will then have the power to co-opt one or more additional members, as necessary.
A.O.B. (Any Other Business): Under this heading, we welcome your suggestions and ideas on how we can continue to offer all our Members a choice of interesting activities and any other points you would like to raise.
If you are unable to attend but have something to offer please e-mail the Committee at the above address.
The Meeting will be followed by our normal Lunch which will be prepared and served by Michelle Chavenon and Dagmar Bunnemann, two of our Members.
The cost of the lunch is 18 euro, which includes the wine and coffee.
A Booking Form was attached to member email. If you have difficulties in submitting the form please send an email giving your choices to
MENU 18 Euro
Punch Planteur/ Planter's Punch
Verrines à la Courgette/ Courgette Verrines
Chips de légumes/ Vegetable Crisps
Cocktail sans alcool/ Non-alcoholic Cocktail
Velouté de Champignons, Chantilly au Piment d’Espelette et Croûtons
Cream of Mushroom Soup with Espelette Red Peppers and Croutons
Méli-mélo de Poissons en Papillotes
Fish Meli-Melo en Papillotes (Paper Packets)
Emincé de Filet mignon sauté au Miel et aux Epices
Filet Mignon Flavoured with Honey and Spices
Brocolis, Riz thaï/ Brocolli, Thai Rice
Verrines de Panna cota, Mousse au chocolat et Délice de fruits rouges
Pannacotta, Chocolate Mousse and Red Fruit Delight Verrines
Vin blanc, vin rouge/ White and Red Wine
Café à la fin du repas/ Coffee
3rd OF JANUARY 2018
Membership Renewal Forms will be handed out to those who haven't received it with the member email.
Please bring €10 (cash or cheque made payable to Ladies Lunch Club de l’Armagnac) membership fee or send membership forms and cheques to the LLC Secretary by post.
The deadline for subscriptions is the end of February (unless you have made a prior arrangement.)
If you have any problems, please contact the Secretary,
To ease organisation of signing in and up:
Please bring your membership form and 10 Euros in a one envelope with your name on it.
Please bring the money for the lunch in a separate envelope with your name on it.
Please do not forget your name tag.
We look forward to seeing you on the 9th January, 2018.
Best Wishes for a merry christmas
and a happy New Year to you all,
the LLC committee