Dear Ladies,
Our November lunch will take place
Wednesday 12th November 2014 in the
where two of our Lunch Club members,
Michelle Chavenon and Dagmar Buenemann,
will be cooking a delicious meal with a Moroccan flavour, which will be served as a Buffet.
We have also invited Kate Coulson to come and talk to us about the benefits of Yoga and Pilates,
and if there is enough interest she is willing to take a class in Nogaro.
We would like Kate to speak before the lunch so our timing is slightly different this month.
We would therefore be pleased if everyone could arrive at 12.00 noon and be seated by approx. 12.15.
The talk will last approximately half-an hour.
There will then be 15mins before lunch is served at 1.00 pm prompt.
On this occasion please bring your lunch money in cash (17€) in an envelope with your name on it.
Marquisette et sa verine rouge
(coulis de betterave rouge et crème de St. Moret)
Coucous -
Boulettes de bœuf ‘faites maison’, merguez et ses legumes, carottes, courgettes, celeri, poireaux, onions, pois chiches
Sauce pimentee ou non a la tomate
Graines de semoule ou riz pour sans gluten
Pour les vegetariennes –
filet de cabillaud avec legumes
Salade de Fruits aux agrumes
The a la menthe -
feuille de chocolate a l’orange
Vins : Blanc, Rose et Rouge inclus
To make your reservation please request at the
LLC secretary Jane Cooper the ‘booking form’ to fill in your details and submit by FRIDAY 7th November.
Please contact the LLC secretary.
LLC CHRISTMAS LUNCH will be at La Baquere on 9th December 2014 you will need to book and pay at the November lunch or very soon after.
Details will be following this email. Watch this space!!!!