About Us

My photo
RĂ©ans, Armagnac, 32 Gers, France
Our objective is to promote friendship between women of all nationalities living in Gascony, SW France, to share our interests and to offer help when needed. The Club started in 2008, with twenty English ladies living in Gascony, using a foreign language and experiencing a new life. Since then, several different groups have been added and our membership has grown into the hundreds, with new ladies moving to the area and ladies who have lived here a while, who have discovered us, who want to make new acquaintances and discover new areas of interest. Today we have eleven nationalities, and our speaking/working language is English. The GLC meets on the second Tuesday of each month, excluding July and August.Every member receives an email each month, giving the name of the restaurant, the chosen, menu and a booking form. In 2014, we became a non-profit making Association, known as Ladies Lunch Club de l’Armagnac and was re-named in 2019 to Gascogne Ladies Club. Our annual subscription fee of 10 € is payable in January each year. Each member of the Club may participate in some or all of our various groups

Saturday, 30 March 2013

LLC promoting communication via the internet

Hope you are all well and looking forward to the arrival of Spring. 
Unsettled and unseasonal weather here recently but nothing like the dreadful stuff the UK has had. 
Hope if you have families there they are all safe and warm.  

I give you  a quick word about last LLC Luncheon March talk:

If anyone would like to acquire more computer skills (or in indeed have a complete beginner session on a 1:1 basis) do let me know. 

We aim to promote communication via the internet, and am happy to help anyone who is unfamiliar with any of those aspects eg Blogpages http://gersoisladiesclub.blogspot.fr/

is a response to a need for mutual support, companionship, friendship for those having made the “big move” and living in France in the Gascogne/Gers



basic mail, to gain these skills if they so wish. 

Contact for computer/internet/Caliceo: 
Dawn: lunchclubgascogne(at)gmail.com

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