Dear Ladies
Invitation to the 2019 AGM and February Lunch
Our 2019 / 2020 Annual General Meeting will take place in the
Salle de Fetes at Réans (32800)
on Tuesday the 11th of February
Coffee will be served from 10.30 am.
The AGM will start promptly at 11:00 am.
The AGM will be followed by a lunch, which will be prepared by two or our members, Michelle and Dagmar. This will be their very popular lasagna buffet comprising fish, meat or vegetable with accompanying salads. The cost of the lunch is €18, which includes pre-dinner refreshments, wine and coffee. We had a meeting together this week and have put forward this buffet style menu for an excellent price. They would like to assure everyone that this will be delicious and to their normal very high standards
Please use the emailed Reservation form to indicate whether you will be joining us for the AGM, the lunch or both. We hope that you can join us.
Draft AGM Agenda
10:30 Coffee, tea and cake.
11:00 AGM start
1. Apologies for absence
2. Minutes of 2019 AGM.
3. President’s Welcome & Report
4. Treasure’s Report
5. Secretary’s Report
6. Election of Committee.
7. Update from Group Leaders
8. New President’s welcome
9. Any Other Business
- Meals and Summer events
- Ideas and suggestions from our members
The current committee officers of Margaretha (President), Riet (Treasurer) and Janet (Secretary) are prepared to stand again for the same positions. In accordance with the Constitution of the Club a vote will be take by all members present. The Committee will then be able to co-opt additional members as necessary to support the Committee activities. We welcome any ideas on how we can meet the needs of our members for example by offering interesting activities or any other points that you would like to raise. If you are unable to attend we would still welcome your ideas. In order for your item to be added to the final Agenda please can you email the Committee any topics that you would like to bring up before Tuesday 4th February.
February Lunch
Apéritif Marquissette et Jus de fruits Amuse-bouches
Sur un lit de mâche et d’endives
Poivrons farceurs au St Moret
Poireaux en brick
Hot buffet
Lasagne à la Bolognaise (meat)
Lasagne au poisson
Lasagne au légumes
Salade verte et salade composé
Carpaccio d’annas à la vanille Glace
Tea, Coffee and wine included
Please can you register by Thursday 6th February. As usual final numbers will be required by Sunday 9th February. After this date you are likely to be charged for cancellations
The cost of €18,includes pre-lunch refreshments, wine, tea and coffee
Please use the form to indicate if you only wish to attend for the AGM or the meal.
If you are having problems with the form please reply using the email or use the LLC address at the bottom of the message
Please bring you either bring your cheque for €18 made payable to « ladies lunch club de l’armagnac » or cash in an envelope with your name on it. Your help in this is much appreciated as it helps to speed up the booking in process
Future lunches & LLC News
The March lunch will be at Auberge le Baquere at Preneron on Tuesday 10 March.
I will send a separate email with our spring news and activities when I receive information from members. Please let me know if there is anything that you would like to be includes in this mailing.