About Us

My photo
RĂ©ans, Armagnac, 32 Gers, France
Our objective is to promote friendship between women of all nationalities living in Gascony, SW France, to share our interests and to offer help when needed. The Club started in 2008, with twenty English ladies living in Gascony, using a foreign language and experiencing a new life. Since then, several different groups have been added and our membership has grown into the hundreds, with new ladies moving to the area and ladies who have lived here a while, who have discovered us, who want to make new acquaintances and discover new areas of interest. Today we have eleven nationalities, and our speaking/working language is English. The GLC meets on the second Tuesday of each month, excluding July and August.Every member receives an email each month, giving the name of the restaurant, the chosen, menu and a booking form. In 2014, we became a non-profit making Association, known as Ladies Lunch Club de l’Armagnac and was re-named in 2019 to Gascogne Ladies Club. Our annual subscription fee of 10 € is payable in January each year. Each member of the Club may participate in some or all of our various groups

Friday, 9 February 2018

Welcome message of the new LLC president

Thank you again for your confidence in me and for electing me as your new president. 

As I said at the AGM 2018, I intend to focus on the original objectives of the LLC d'Armagnac;

  • To promote and facilitate friendship between ladies of all nationalities. 

The questionnaire that we sent out last year provided us with many useful insights in how to do this. An important point that came to light from the questionnaire is that members, especially new members, sometimes feel uncomfortable when attending lunch meetings. This is because they do not already know any of the other members. 

We (myself and the new committee consisting of Treasurer Riet Smulders and Secretary Janet Jones) have decided to allocate the task of welcoming and integrating new members to a designated LLC member at the lunches.
The intention is that we all work together to welcome new members 
and help them to get to know each other, make new friends and integrate into the subgroups. We hope that you will help this new LLC member in this activity, which may involve organising local coffee mornings for new members.

We realise that communication is essential to really promote friendship, therefore, we would like to ask you all to think about ways of making communication between members of the LLC easier. 
This can be by sharing a new activity, a club, a local or cultural event or by sharing the activities you have enjoyed in the subgroups.  This information can be useful to new as well as longer-standing members - if it is of interest to you it may be of interest to someone else.  
If you have anything to share please send an email to lunchclubgascogne@gmail.com.

In order to facilitate friendship and communication, we would also like to be more supportive of the subgroups, especially if they need financial support. For example, last year, we supported the singing group with the various expenses they have like the printing of concert posters. The committee will meet with the leaders of the subgroups in March, to find out how we can best support them. 
Please start to think about your group’s needs so that your leaders can discuss these with us when we meet.
In addition to the above, we will continue to develop the website and integrate the blog into the website (ladieslunchclubarmagnac.com.) This is a key communication tool that we would like to make even more beneficial to you.  There is currently a map accessible on the website that shows where the members of the LLC live. Knowing where our members live helps us decide which restaurants to choose for our monthly lunches. 

There has been much discussion about adding  contact details to this map.  We have had very mixed reactions to this suggestion. If we do go down this route we shall need to think about data protection. With more than 100 members, we would need to have implicit consent to publish details on the website, have an opt-out mechanism, have an assigned data protection administrator and also be likely to incur legal fees to set this up.  
Therefore, at this stage, we are thinking of alternative ways to identify members who live close to each other.

If you have any comments or suggestions, please send them to us at lunchclugascogne@gmail.com. 

We look forward to hearing from you. 
The president
Margaretha Liddell-Grainger

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