Dear Ladies
We have pleasure in inviting you to our next lunch, which will be at one of our well established and favourite restaurants. We are going to:
Auberge La Baquere
on Tuesday 10th March
We hope that you can join us at 12:00 to 12:15
Please find below the menu for €19 which is, as always, excellent value and includes wine and tea or coffee.
Please can you complete the form with your email to reserve your place and register your menu choice. You can also use the form to send your apologies.
Menu de Thibault Lagoutte, La Baquere
Cocktail de bienvenue et canapés
Velouté de châtaignes, mascarpone et chips de légumes
(chestnut and mascarpone soup)
Poitrine de veau farcie, citron confit, olives et herbes, pommes grenailles
(stuffed veal with lemon confit, olives and herbs)
Pavé de cabillaud, crème d’ail, butternut et blettes (cod with crème of garlic)
Fondant au chocolat, noisettes et fève de Tonkin (chocolate and hazelnut fondant).
Wine and coffee included
The cost will be €19. Please can you book by Thursday 5 March. We are not expecting to have a cap but it is always better to book in early and it helps us to make sure that the venue can accommodate us. I need to give the restaurant final numbers on Friday 6 March, so it will be difficult to make changes after that date.
As usual, I will send out a list of members who are attending before the deadline. If you have any problems with the form please reply to your email (or use the address below) and I will manually add you to the list
Détails of the booking
Please book before Thursday 5 March. The last deadline for booking is Friday 6 March
Any cancellations on or after Sunday 8 March will be charged.
Please reply to the email address at the bottom of this (or by reply) if you are having problems with the form or feel that the form may not have worked. I will then add your details manually
The cost of the lunch is €19, including wine, tea and coffee
Please bring your chèque for €19 made payable to
« Ladies Lunch Club de l’Armagnac » or cash in an envelope with your name on it. Your help with this is much appreciated as it helps to speed up the booking in process
Please use your membership card to reserve your place on a table.
Other information
Survey: Thank you to everyone who has completed the survey on your wishes for the coming year. This is still open if you wish to complete it.
Membership: If relevant, please bring a membership envelope with your subscription €10 and ensure that your name is on the envelope. Please also indicate, on the envelope, if there are any changes to your personal information (eg email address).
Future Events and lunches: I will send a newsletter with all updates. Please can you send anything you would like to be shared.
Email address:
Thanks and best wishes