Dear Ladies
We are delighted to welcome you to next LLC lunch on
Tuesday 12th June
at La Falene Bleue in Lannepax. This is a lovely venue in the summer with a large covered terrace and has recently been taken over by a young couple who are rapidly building their reputation with their style of food, ambience and quality service.
Our hosts, Fabien and Helene, look forward to welcoming us to the lunch and offer the following menu. They hope that we all have a very enjoyable experience and we hope that the sun will be shining.
Tartare de saumon
ou / or
Salade de cruidites
Risotto cabillaud (cod) chorizo
Ou / Or
Balotine de volaille (chicken) aux champignons
Crème brulee vanilla Tonka
The cost is 19 Euro, which includes wine, tea or coffee.
The deadline for bookings is MONDAY 4th June but numbers will be capped at 50; so book early to avoid disappointment. When we reach this number any additional names will be added to a waiting list.
Please can you submit your reservation form as soon as possible together with your choice of starter and main course. Please book early so that we can ensure that there is a place for everyone.
Please send me an email by responding to this email on:
If you are having problems with the form or feel that it has not worked (you should get a notification at the end of the process). I will manually add you to the list (please also let me know your choices). I will send out a list of responses before the deadline.
We look forward to welcoming you from 12:00.
Please bring either your cheque for €19, made payable to “Ladies Lunch Club de l’Armagnac”, or cash in an envelope marked with your name. Your assistance with this is much appreciated as it helps to speed up the booking-in process.
Please note that you will be charged if you cancel within 72 hours of the lunch.
The LLC Committee look forward to welcoming you to a lively and convivial luncheon on 12th June.